Stop Trying to be Perfect
It is important to remember that our day is not going to be predictable. We are not going to be able to plan away all of the surprises, whether they are good or bad.
We have to cut ourselves some slack and tell ourselves that we are good enough. Our home may not be as clean, the meals we serve might not look like something off of Pinterest, but we are wonderful, nonetheless!
Everyone is going to fall short in one direction or the other, and if we allow ourselves to start chasing that white whale then we are bound to get lost on our paths and fail.
We do not have space in our lives to conform to society's whims anymore. That is a blessing to us all. Our bodies are constantly reminding us not today, not enough, not now. It is our job to listen to our bodies and make our world into a place that we find comfort in.
Find Peace in the Little Things
I said earlier that the world will not stop turning for you. But it will keep asking for more for as long as you let it.
It is your job to find peace in the little gifts that are hidden around you every day. I found mine in the cup of coffee I drank while I was writing today. On Friday, I relaxed during my lunch with my son. That evening, I found it when I was painting my hallway, listening to the boys yell and play.
The world gives us opportunities to revel in its beauty. It is our job to make note of it all and take the timeout to enjoy it during the moment that we see it.
A Full Day is a Happy Day, Mostly
It is important to see that you are still relevant. Your life still matters. You are still a part of something very precious as a parent with MS.
My anger with being diagnosed was directly connected to my fear of failure and annihilation of the future of my role as a mother. I was so wrong. My role has deepened and grown and the days have ticked by. I am great at what I do, with all of my imperfections. We all are.
We need to pull our heads out of our to-do lists and look around at everything that we are still accomplishing everyday.
Our children grow up so quickly, and they are not keeping score of what we do. My son does not remember what I was like before I got sick and that used to make me sad. I have come to realize though, I am better today than I was then; I find respite in that.
What is it all About Anyways?
Seriously, what is it all about? If you don’t take the time to stop and smell the roses then the world will keep spinning on its axis and your life will pass right on by.
There is no magical schedule or way to ensure that you are going to get the time that you need to relax — being a parent teaches you that real quick! Our best bet is to live in the moment, pay attention to our days as they are happening and find joy in the moments while we are living them.