Improving Your Quality of Life With MS

Quality of Life With MS

Being diagnosed with MS is a difficult experience, and learning to live with the condition is even harder. However, by learning as much as you can about MS and getting adequate support, you can live better and enjoy a good quality of life.

Have a Support Person

Coping with a chronic condition is challenging both mentally and physically. Serious health conditions often bring additional problems, like depression, difficulties in cognition and mobility issues, while fatigue and difficulty with daily tasks can be very frustrating.

Make sure you have someone close to support you as you manage your illness, who can help you cope with it and the daily challenges it brings. Even if you don’t have a partner or spouse living with you, lean on your family and friends for emotional support, and help with physical struggles as well. If your condition is severe and you can afford it, you may want to think about hiring a nursing

Be Vigilant

Visit a specialized clinic for multiple sclerosis, consult your doctor regularly and monitor your symptoms. Any change in regimen and any new symptoms must be discussed clearly and carefully, and medications should be taken as and when recommended. Your doctor can also refer you to another specialist if required for additional symptoms that may co-exist unrelated to the MS spectrum.

Join a Support Group

Group support sessions and meeting other people with MS at conventions or online allows you to share coping strategies and help to feel less isolated. You will find yourself connected to a huge network of people with conditions of varying ages and backgrounds, and you may find that someone has valuable insights to offer to you on living better with the condition, giving you much-needed strength and advice.

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Eat Right

Staying healthy and fit despite your condition is important to your general well-being. There isn’t a specific diet plan that will make your MS symptoms go away, but that is not to say eating right is not important. Different MS patients have different experiences regarding diets. Some say avoiding wheat and dairy helps them, while others swear by a diet rich in monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats.

Stick to a healthy diet that you have discussed with your practitioner, figure out what works for you and avoid those wonder drugs and foods that claim to boost the immune system, as MS is caused by the immune system attacking the myelin fibers in the nervous system.

Get Exercise

Exercise is important to be healthy and fit when living with MS symptoms. However, exercise in moderation and wear comfortable clothing. Make sure you also pay attention to your body temperature, as heat sensitivity is common – your symptoms may worsen if you get too warm. Also, keep this in mind if you are thinking of moving to a new area because certain climates can make maintaining a moderate temperature difficult.

Avoid Stress

Stress isn’t helpful and will add to your problems if you have MS. Remove as much stress from your life as you can, and practice activities like breathing exercises, yoga and meditation to cope with the stresses you can't remove. All of these practices will help you stay calm and work toward being healthier and happier.

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